Wednesday, February 20, 2008

My crazy ride at Walmart....

Well, I had another wierd dream that involved Walmart, a slip, dogs, and a crazy ride on an "elevator". Piqued your interest? Then read on! :P

In my dream, I was shopping at Walmart in search of a slip for a dress that needed it. I went up to the counter and asked a lady where I can find it. This Walmart was the size of a mini, it was a bit confusing to be in there. The lady showed me to this "elevator". It was all open, no walls, just a small circle platform to stand on, and handles to hold onto. She said I can find it on the second floor. Well, the elevator ZOOMED up, with me holding onto the handles for dear life! I finally got to my destination, and went up to the counter and asked another lady if I may look at the slips. She got out 4 to choose from, and while I was at it, I might as well choose a dog from the 2 she had on the counter. That's when my dream ended. So, I didn't get to buy my slip and don't know what dog I would have chosen. They were cute too. Labs, except they were white with black spots here and there.

Am I going crazy? You might think so from my dreams, eh? ;)


John Brainard said...

I think it's time to remove all references to "Wife" that point to this blog! You're scaring me dear. :p

Mrs. Dorky Musician said...

Uh huh....

Annie said...

OK, I was totally with you in the "Martha" deal...but you lost me with dreaming about WalMart!
I'm nutty, but even *I* never dreamed about that! LOL

John Brainard said...

"I'm nutty."

Annie, I think you've just nominated yourself for "Understatement of the Year" award!

Mrs. Dorky Musician said...

You have to admit, it was pretty creative of my brain to dream that, right? Right? Right? Well? :P

We'll see what tonight holds...stay tune for the next episode of "Nutty Dreams". ;)

John Brainard said...

That's what you say about your cooking too!

Annie said...

Well? What sort of whackadoodleness
ensued this time??

Mrs. Dorky Musician said...

Annie...didn't quite understand that question....please translate. :D My brain works slow sometimes. :P

Mrs. Dorky Musician said...

I think she's asking what kind of crazy dream you had last night... Her comment was posted before your latest blog entry....

BTW: I fixed your time zone issues. It's now set to Eastern Time.

John Brainard said...

Sorry.. That last comment was me. I logged in to fix your time zone. It was getting annoying seeing whacky times. :p

Anonymous said...

You write very well.