I didn't have time to post my weird dream from Thursday night, but it was a doozy!
I was living in CA and I had to call my hubby, who I was dating in my dream and living in another state, on his cellular. To call him, I had to call him with numbers that were placed in a particular complicated pattern. I got a hold of him and we ended up chatting instead of making travel and meeting arrangements. So, when we hung up, I realized I had to call him back to make the arrangements. Well, this time around, I didn't dial it in the right sequence because I wanted to take a short cut dialing, and I got him but he answered the phone like this "This is me, but this is 2 years ago and I'm in the insane asylum". WOW! Weird, huh? So, I tried calling him again, but this time I forgot how to do the sequence all together, and I couldn't get a hold of him, so I was sweating buckets this time not knowing how I'm going to be able to meet him at the airport, etc.
So, that was when my dream ended. Boy, what do I eat for dinner that my dreams are so WEIRD!?
I was living in CA and I had to call my hubby, who I was dating in my dream and living in another state, on his cellular. To call him, I had to call him with numbers that were placed in a particular complicated pattern. I got a hold of him and we ended up chatting instead of making travel and meeting arrangements. So, when we hung up, I realized I had to call him back to make the arrangements. Well, this time around, I didn't dial it in the right sequence because I wanted to take a short cut dialing, and I got him but he answered the phone like this "This is me, but this is 2 years ago and I'm in the insane asylum". WOW! Weird, huh? So, I tried calling him again, but this time I forgot how to do the sequence all together, and I couldn't get a hold of him, so I was sweating buckets this time not knowing how I'm going to be able to meet him at the airport, etc.
So, that was when my dream ended. Boy, what do I eat for dinner that my dreams are so WEIRD!?
I know exactly what you eat for dinner that causes these bad reactions! Same thing I eat and I don't feel so hot either. :p
Hot Pockets for you for the rest of your life, young man! :P
At least I'll be getting square meals. :p
Girlfriend, whatever you're taking you could bottle it and sell it to Hollywood so they make better movies. This was WAY more interesting than Lord of the Rings. (a movie of which I tried to watch on three separate occasions, but never made it past 20 minutes)
Ha ha...that was funny! :D Hmm...maybe I should bottle it and sell it. Maybe I could become a gazillionarre. ;)
*tap tap tap*
"Is this thing on??...FINDER'S FEE!"
:P ;)
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