Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Martha Stewart doesn't like me! :|

I had a peculiar dream last night....

Martha and an unfamiliar person was visiting my home, and I cooked dinner for them. After tasting my cooking, they started crying and then got mad at me. They were criticizing how horrible a cook I was, how shameful my housekeeping was, and complained how my food just stained their clothes. Of course, I was devastated in my dream! And, then I woke up.

Not like I care much about Martha Stewart or what she would think about my housekeeping or cooking, but I just thought it was a funny dream. I don't even buy any Martha Stewart related magazines, because, honestly, I think her world is unrealistic. There are houses that look like that, but only if you can afford a 24 hour maid OR you don't really live there. I mean, you could reside in it, but not LIVE there. A home is a warm place to make memories. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not saying a house that's a pigsty means it's more lived in, but, if your house is so immaculate, then you aren't really enjoying it. It's a museum...you don't want to touch anything. When I think of my childhood, I don't think "golly, my house was really clean". No, I think of the things I did in there, the people I spent time with, just all the warm memories of family and friends.

Anyways, John, my husband, thinks I have the strangest dreams, so I have a feeling most of my blogs will be of my dreams.

Okay...that's all for now....


John Brainard said...

Perhaps reality is starting to set into your dreams! Maybe I should stop complaining so much. :p

You're doing a wonderful job, making the house out to be a place where memories are made. :)

Mrs. Dorky Musician said...

Aww...shucks...thanks. :)

Annie said...

Omigosh! You are not the only one who's had a Martha Stewart dream, and thank goodness you did because that means I must be more normal! (well....anyway...)
My hubby and I stayed a night in an 18th century B&B once last year and everything was original to the home (more like a castle!)and probably irreplaceable! I was afraid to touch ANYthing! Or walk around! Or breathe! The next night I had a horrible dream that Martha Stewart was berating me for using the wrong fork and hitting me with a giant wooden spoon (like some people have hanging on kitchen walls).
Anyhoo...! Welcome to the blogosphere!
Two words for fun:
Site Meter!
Three more words:
Down with Martha! :p

John Brainard said...

Oh my. Weirdness abounds.


JL said...

You said a mouthful there!

Mrs. Dorky Musician said...

Hmm...I think Annie's dream was a bit wierder than mine. :P Giant wooden spoon? That's deadly. ;)

Annie said...

Not as much "deadly" as "splintery"! lol
I know I dreamed that because I was extremely intimidated by the elegant meal in the grand dining room. All that antique lace and linen and klutzy me with coffee... well, you get the idea!